No matter how much you study Japanese language, it's just knowledge.
It will only ever be really meaningful if you actually use your Japanese face to face.
Paso pequeño have "free talk salon" as a place of practice for learners of Japanese language.
When you thought "Can I really communicate utilizing the Japanese language which I've studied so far?", why don't you talk at "free talk salon"?
Talking with Japanese speakers from different generations/ countries, your Japanese communication skills will certainly improve.
In addition to "free talk salon", Paso pequeño present exchange events with Japanese people as a place for using your Japanese.
私たちPaso pequeñoでは、学習者様に実践の場として、フリートークサロンを設けております。「今まで勉強した日本語は本当に通じるの?」そう思ったあなた!ぜひフリートークサロンで話してみませんか?
Paso pequeñoでは、他にも、勉強した日本語を使う実践の場として日本人との交流イベントを企画しています。